Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

We're going. I have quit my teaching job, our house will be on the market in the next few days, and we will be sending out letters asking for our friends and family to help support us very soon. Everything is moving quickly, but so slowly at the same time. Part of me wants to leave immediately, and the other still anticipates awakening from this dream.

Though my mind is lost in this confusion, my heart is steadfast on the Lord. As I prepare to take this step of faith, I am drawn so close to Him. Closer than ever before. I am enraptured by His promises, His strength and His authority.

I feel like Gideon. Weak. Small. Confused. Called to something so much bigger than my abilities. I can do all things THROUGH Christ who strengthens me. And then I realize, it really isn't at all about what I can do. It is about who has called me, and what HE can do. I praise the Lord that he is faithful, when I am not. He is strong, though I am weak. I praise Him for he is strengthening me daily for the great calling he has placed on our hearts.