Today it is raining. As I sat outside watching the storm pass through, I noticed how sad everything seemed in that moment. The clouds were grey and the sun's bright light hidden. The air was cold and the wind merciless. Even the birds were hiding.
I sat reflecting on the rain in my life. Lately, I have been surrounded by goodbyes. Selling our things, leaving our home, saying goodbye to dear friends... it is all very sad. To be honest, at times, I have felt overcome by this rain in my life. However, even in the bleakest part of the storm, I love the rain.
I have always loved the rain; the ominous grey sky, the sounds that both soothe and startle your heart and the fresh, clean air left when the rains slow to a trickle. After living in North Texas the past three years, I even more so appreciate the rain. Here it is so dry that all the plants seems to always hover on the brink of dying. The rain comes and brings new life. It rejuvenates each blade of grass and flower pedal. Afterward, the sun shines brighter, the grass grows greener, and the air tastes sweeter.
I realize that this rain in my life right now is temporary. It is difficult, but necessary. Just like the rain that gives new life to dehydrated Texas. It might be cloudy right now, the sun might not be brightly shinning, but new life is coming. Though the future is ominous, my hope in the Lord is certain. For He promises to be my comfort and strength through the storm. One day soon, the sun will shine again and I will be rejuvenated and alive.