Monday, September 23, 2013


With great joy and excitement, we can announce that our house has sold!! Two weeks ago we accepted an offer and have now passed through the inspection and appraisal process. Selling this home was the final barrier between us and moving to Honduras. With much prayer and petition, Sean and I knew and trusted that God was in control. He continues to bless and affirm our decision to follow Him to DanlĂ­.

We now are quite busy making plans and getting everything ready for the big move. Our scheduled closing date is October 18th. After that, we plan on driving up to Chicago to say goodbye to our family and friends there. Then, we will be flying to Honduras on the 27th!

Though it has been difficult to say goodbye to our wonderful Texas friends, our jobs we love and our beautiful home, we know with absolute certainty that God is behind this decision. He has been so faithful every step of this journey so far, providing just what we need just in time. I know as we move our dependence on Him, His provision and His strength will grow each day. This process has brought us both closer to our Father than ever before, and close to Him is exactly where we want to be.